European Project: TOM-Technical Office Management
The partners: Katholieke Hogeschool Sint-Lieven, Gent, Belgium, co-rdinator,
Hochschule Aalen, Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft , Aalen, Germany,
Universite Claude Bernard LYON 1, France, University of East London, United Kingdom,
Stefan cel Mare, University, Suceava, Romania,
Fachhochschule JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH, Graz, Austria. Complete new training; national application in 2012 Interdisciplinary Bachelor degree mechanics and busines.s Training in technical and mechanical as well as commercial and management skills 180/240 credits of which a minimum of 30 credits will be interchangeable 30 credits will be organized in English, French and/or German A mandatory abroad semester by 'virtual' or real-life exchange mobility. Interdisciplinary training with following major components, skills and competences: -Technology Quality control in materials and metrology off shelf technical components -Communication Languages Informatics -Economics and management Lean Logistics The person responsible for the management of the application in Stefan cel Mare University is Prof. eng. Romeo Ionescu, Ph.D. , from Faculty of Mechanical Engeneering.