TEHNOMUS Journal                                       

Paper review

In TEHNOMUS - New Technologies and Products in Machine Manufacturing Technologies' Journal is published scientific papers from national and international researchers in the field of Industrial Engineering.

The Scientific Committee is reviewing journal articles and
aand their publication decision.

Each paper will be given the blind-reviewed by 2 editors,
experts in the field work.

After the reviewing process, each author receives from the editorial team, a response to the publication of scientific work, as follows:

  1. Paper accepted for publication.

  2. Paper accepted with minor changes

  3. Work turned to the review and can be resubmitted

  4. Work rejected (the subject is in disagreement with the theme of the journal or quality of the article is not sufficient)

Evaluation of each paper focuses on the following criteria:

  • Relevant topics for the journal article

  • The importance of the subject developed in Article

  • The importance of the subject developed in Article

  • The novelty of research topic

  • The way they conducted research exposed

  • Research Methodology

  • Results and Conclusions

  • Implications for theory and practice

  • Ideas for future research

  • The writing and organization

  • Bibliography


©Universitatea "Ştefan cel Mare" Suceava - Facultatea de Inginerie Mecanică, Autovehicule și Robotică
Str. Universităţii, nr. 13, 720 229 Suceava, Romania, tel: 40 230 523743, e-mail: tehnomus@usm.ro

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